
MUISetRegionFromResource, hWin:MUIWND, idRgnRes:RESID, lpCopyRgnHandle:LPMUIVALUE, bRedraw:BOOL

Sets a window/controls region from a region stored as an RC_DATA resource: idRgnRes. If lpdwCopyRgn is not NULL a copy of region handle is provided (for any future calls to FrameRgn for example). This function internally calls the MUILoadRegionFromResource function.


  • [in] hWin - handle to the window to set a region for
  • [in] idRgnRes - resource id of the region RC_DATA resource to load
  • [out] lpCopyRgn - pointer to a variable to store a copy of the loaded region
  • [in] bRedraw - redraw the window after the region is set (TRUE or FALSE)


Returns TRUE if successful, or FALSE otherwise


RGN_MAP_EUROPE EQU 300 ; resource stored as id 300 in RC_DATA format
LOCAL hRegCopyMapEurope:DWORD

Invoke MUISetRegionFromResource, hWin, RGN_MAP_EUROPE, Addr hRegCopyMapEurope, TRUE
; hWin should now be shaped like a map of europe

See Also

MUILoadRegionFromResource, FrameRgn